The first step in the process is Offer. It is in form of a written document. Our team at People Wine sends the form to the producer. All the compulsory information must be filled in the form. Read below.
After we receive an answer from Systembolaget we inform the producer and we send a request for the samples. The request for the samples consists of the number of the bottles which are required for the tasting. To read more, click here.
The time period between the tasting and the results varies from tender to tender. We would like to present you how the process for selection at Systembolaget looks like. To read more, click here.
After the process of selection is completed for each tender. Systembolaget sends us the result for the particular tender. People Wines informs you about the declaration as well as we inform our producers of the following information. To read more, click here.
Offer (Written)
The first step in the process is Offer. It is in form of a written document. Our team at People Wine sends the form to the producer. All the compulsory information must be filled in the form. The deadline for the written offer is mentioned in the tender file which is provided to the producer via email. All the information given about the tender remains the same, however, the price point can be discussed with our purchase team.
People Wine is always there to clarify your questions and doubts. In order to participate further in the process. It is recommended to send in the offer in time. Our team checks the offer and gives some follow-ups if needed. When all the information is complete, we send the offer to the client. The offer is checked and they inform us if they want to taste the samples.